

Great Falls Woods Homeowners Association
Notice of Annual Meeting

December 2, 2022

Dear GFW Homeowner,

Please be advised this letter constitutes the Notice of Annual Meeting as prescribed in Article VI, Section 6.03, Great Falls Woods Homeowners Association Bylaws. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 virtually via Zoom meeting software. There will be no physical meeting. The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. with registration beginning at 6:45 p.m.

Please attend the meeting by going to the Zoom Meeting Link on your internet connected computer at:
Meeting ID: 581 315 0681 | Password: 572383

Administrative notes:

  1. Members may log into the meeting waiting room at 6:45 p.m., and the meeting itself will start at 7 p.m.
  2. All participants must use their first and last name to enter the meeting and not doing so will preclude you from entering.
  3. All participants will be muted upon entry to the Zoom meeting.
  4. During community open forum, members are encouraged to make
    comments by using the “raised hand”icon feature on their screen. This function will alert the host to your desire to speak.

The principal business to be conducted at this meeting will be to:

  • Elect one board member
  • Approve the 2021 draft
    Annual Meeting Minutes
  • Update members on the current and future state of the Association
  • Take questions from
    the homeowners.

This year there is ONE OPEN POSITION on the Board. Officer positions will be elected by a vote of the Board Members following the election. There will be no nominations from the floor of the virtual meeting.

As a result of the year’s virtual meeting format, there will be no voting during the meeting. All households that wish to vote for a board member must submit a Proxy Form containing their vote.

Proxy Forms are due back to management by 4:00pm on Monday, December 5th to allow management time to tabulate the election results and count all proxies toward a quorum.

COMMUNITY LEADERS. The presence in person, or by proxy of members, representing at least 20% of the total votes of the Association constitutes a quorum for transaction of business.

We look forward to seeing you at the virtual annual meeting!

The Board of Directors, Great Falls Woods Homeowners Association, Inc.